LONDON (Wireless Flash) – TGI Friday’s restaurants in England may change the names of two alcoholic drinks because women are too embarrassed to order them. The chain thinks it can boost sales by renaming the “Screaming Orgasm” cocktail to simply “Coffee Cooler” and calling “Sex on the Beach” a “Summer Sunset.”

NEW YORK – Extra extra: Bill Clinton is looking for a new unpaid intern. According to the New Yorker, the man whose affair with intern Monica Lewinsky got him impeached now needs a new helper to “answer phones, take requests and follow through on such requests.”

LONDON – School kids are going ga-ga over eyeglasses, thanks to Harry Potter. In fact, one British chain of opticians claims 40 percent of kids who’ve had eye exams in the past few weeks say they want to wear glasses like the bespectacled wizard.

COLUMBUS, Ga. – A Georgia man who is looney for lunch boxes is planning to open a museum to showcase his collection. Allen M. Woodall, Jr. owns more than 2000 lunch boxes – some worth up to $800 – which he plans to put on display in the next month.

LONDON – A British supermarket chain is joining a campaign to call home- grown sprouts “British Sprouts” instead of “Brussels Sprouts.” Sainsbury’s says its customers are eager to buy British- grown produce, so it will re-label the sprouts for the next four weeks and gauge the response.

GISBORNE, N.Z. – You’ve heard of an old bag but what about an old bagsnatcher. A 74-year-old man in Gisborne, New Zealand, has been arrested after stealing the purse of a much-younger woman. The thief dropped the bag after he tripped while making his getaway.

SYDNEY, Aus. – A 26-year-old woman in Sydney, Australia, is proving her love for her late hubby will never go bust. Sandi Canseco has placed her hubby’s cremated ashes into her breast implants so he’ll remain close to her heart.

KUALA LUMPUR – Malaysian men are the world’s highest per capita users of Viagra and it’s “not a cause for celebration,” according to Malaysia’s health minister. However, the Minister says it’s not clear if the men have erectile dysfunction or just want to enhance their sexual capabilities.

BEIJING – A new global trend is taking shape – Ban Bin Laden. A noodle shop in China named Bin Laden Beef Noodles was forced to change its name by the Chinese government, while the Cambodian government banned Osama Bin Laden T-shirts. Both governments claim the stunts encourage terrorists.

PARIS – The United Nations is stepping up protection against sunken treasure. The U.N. has just adopted a convention which bans treasure hunters from underwater archaeological sites and claims treasure hunters have been making millions off of sunken gold.