Woman Starts ‘Fossil Fuel Anonymous’ Program

Woman Starts ‘Fossil Fuel Anonymous’ Program

BERKELEY, Calif. (Wireless Flash) – A female author in Berkeley, California, has opened a recovery group for folks addicted to fossil fuels. Cathy Holt recognized she had an addiction to fossil fuels when she contemplated how much fossil fuel she used every day and realized she couldn’t quit cold turkey. Holt says she looked around for a support group and couldn’t find one so she decided to create her own. The first meeting will take place on May 30 at the Claremont Library in Berkeley where addicts will stand up and tell the group how they hit rock bottom. They’ll also discuss ways to wean yourself from fossil fuel dependence, including using compact flourescent lightbulbs and giving up cars and clothes dryers. Holt believes everyone suffers the same addiction to some extent, and claims SUV drivers probably suffer the worst.

Fri 04-12-02