Couch Potatoes Prefer Sci-Fi Books

Couch Potatoes Prefer Sci-Fi Books

NEW YORK (Wireless Flash) – If you don’t want your kids to grow up to be couch potatoes they should read something other than sci-fi stories. According to a survey by IKEA conducted to support reading programs, adults who loved to read science fiction books as kids were the largest TV watchers. Other reading-related results include... Adults who listen to hip hop and country music were more likely to have enjoyed reading Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House books when they were kids. Adults who work more than 60 hours a week enjoyed reading autobiographies and history books as kids. Finally, adults who were read to often as children tend to refer to their marriage as “adventurous” while those who weren’t read to tend to describe their marriage as “argumentative.”

Fri 04-12-02