Filmmakers Offer Movie Role for Return of Missing Vinyl

Filmmakers Offer Movie Role for Return of Missing Vinyl

SEATTLE (Wireless Flash) – Two filmmakers are offering a part in their next movie to the person who finds and returns a prop they lost while shooting their current film. The prop is a piece of baby-blue vinyl siding that came off of filmmaker Judith Helfland’s parents’ Long Island home and was the inspiration for her documentary Blue Vinyl. In the film, Helfland carries the square-foot of siding around the U.S., and even to Italy, as she investigates the toxic threat of the polyvinyl chloride industry. Unfortunately, she and co-director, Dan Gold, misplaced the scrap of siding while in New York. The two say the scrap had particular sentimental value because it was signed by all the people they met on their journey. Blue Vinyl will air on HBO this Sunday (May 5).

Tue 04-30-02