Bigfoot Bangs May Prove Presence In Blugrass State

Bigfoot Bangs May Prove Presence In Blugrass State

CINCINNATI, Ohio (Wireless Flash) – Bigfoot may have a bigger foothold in the Bluegrass state than previously believed. That’s the word from Ohio-based geneticist John Lewis, who recently analyzed hair clippings of a strange creature living in Kentucky and believes they may be Bigfoot in origin. Although Lewis says he’s been able to determine the so-called “Bigfoot bangs” are “hominid,” he says they are closer to Bonobo apes than humans. More research still needs to be done but Lewis says it’s possible the hair is evidence of an as-yet undiscovered species of American primate. Unfortunately, Lewis has little time to research the Bigfoot bangs because he’s currently planning a trip to Manaus, Brazil, to research the existence of a giant sloth thought to be extinct since prehistoric times.

Mon 05-20-02