Wild Chandra Levy Theories Abound

Wild Chandra Levy Theories Abound

WASHINGTON (Wireless Flash) – Although Chandra Levy’s body has finally been found at Washington’s Rock Creek Park, how she got there is still a mystery. But a few people think they know the answer to that riddle and aren’t afraid to share it – on the internet. The wildest theory offered up by netheads suggests Levy was killed by the government after she stumbled onto advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks. Other theorists say Chandra was a member of Washington’s “Satanic Illuminati” and was disposed of after uncovering a “pseudo- terrorist” group that included executed Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. Some folks believe Chandra is still alive and living in seclusion in Northern California, plotting revenge on Gary Condit for impregnating her. Finally, one pothead at CrazyAsses.com suspects Chandra ran off to Amsterdam because, “pot and hookers are cool there.”

Thu 05-23-02